D — The love I Hope Everyone Finds

Elliot Manson
3 min readAug 31, 2020


There are moments in your life that you know are just different. Moments that you can’t forget, won’t forget. Apollo 11 landing on the moon. Cubs winning a world series. And for me, right now, it’s D.

D (not real name) is this person. This human. This mythological version of a woman. It’s as if god said fuck it, I’m taking the best part of every human and putting together D. It’s so hard for me to even write about her because I can’t quite figure out who to compare here to. She’s like combining Maya Angelou, Angelina Jolie and Wonder Woman into this complete fucking badass. And I’m not even sure that’s doing D justice.

I knew the moment I met her. The very second I saw her open that door and start walking towards me. I could feel her presence immediately. I’ve been in love three times in my life. I instantly fell in love with D. Her eyes. Her smile. Her touch. The way she looks into my soul. The way she can feel my soul. She makes me 100x better. 1000x happier. She makes me feel, think, breathe, love, care. My heart doesn’t race when I’m with her. It doesn’t skip a beat. It falls into peacefulness. Content. Gratitude. My heart feels what all hearts should feel. She fills my heart.

I question what it is I did to deserve her. Why me. Why now. It’s hard for me to even gather my thoughts without word vomiting all over my keyboard. These feelings are tied up. I don’t know words for them because I’m certain words don’t exist for them.

But you see, the world needs D. I just watched The Old Guard, in which Andy saves people that later, generations later, go on to change the world.

Andy saved D. She was put on this earth to do something extraordinary. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what it’s going to be, but I speak of all mankind, we are lucky she’s on this planet. I cannot fucking wait to see her on stage at TED, speaking at the world summit, probably conducting the grand opera.

D is what the world needs. She’s what we should all strive to be. Her mind is as beautiful as her soul. She care’s so much about others. The way she talks about saving the world makes me feel the pain she takes on all of the world's shit, but grateful she’s willing to bear this place at its worse.

So women, lock up your husbands. D won’t take them, but for damn sure, they will want her. Step up your game because D is fucking killing it, and she’s just getting started. She’s an infant in what she’s going to accomplish, and she’s already accomplished more than most.

I feel for every woman that comes after D. They will be climbing Mount Everest, backward, barefoot and without oxygen. They will be getting into a ring with Mike Tyson. They are following Brene Brown on stage. Battling Michael fucking Jordan in game 7. What I’m saying is you’re fucked. Unless you’re the next Lebron James, which by the numbers, pretty much impossible. But impossible doesn’t mean you should stop trying. Even if you reach for the stars (yes, D is all the stars, planets and galaxies), you might reach pretty high and land a man that has come into contact with D.



Elliot Manson

I write what’s in my heart. My feelings come out on paper. I have no filter. I act to make the world a better place.