A Love Letter To Myself

Elliot Manson
3 min readOct 12, 2020


A friend wanted to write a love letter. She didn’t know to who, though. Ultimately decided she should write a love letter to herself, because well, most of us don’t love ourselves enough. It was a beautiful exercise and a more beautiful letter, so I’ve decided to write mine and make it public. I hope you find the vulnerability in yourself to do so. Make it beautiful. Love yourself. Here is mine:

You’ve spent a lifetime looking for a perfect partner, a partner to help you become who you always felt you could be. That you needed this partner.

You don’t need anybody. You’re incredibly powerful. There’s this burning fuel in you to do something that changes the world, changes the way people, think, feel, live, love. You’ve always had it. It’s been eating you alive every day you don’t chase it. I’m here to tell you the very best version of you you’ll ever be is when you pursue that in full force.

You feel like most never will. You know your feelings and I fucking love you for feeling so much. Your empathy puts you in a position to heal so much pain. To shed new light on old problems. Open doors that were once closed. People need your help. The world needs your help.

You love so deep and so ferociously. At times, it feels like you never love. But it’s because when you love something, it’s undeniable. You reserve your love for the things that matter. Love everything you do. Love every day. Always remember that feeling of when you have truly loved. Follow that feeling and don’t ever let it go. It’s your north star.

The way your mind works to create ideas and solve problems is beautiful. The way you explore all opportunities to improve yourself, others around you and the world isn’t a crutch, it isn’t you searching for something, it’s your way of working through ideas to create the most impact. You don’t want to be strangled by one idea impacting one group of people. You want to world to know you were here and this place is better because you were.

Your curiosity is so addictive. I love you for never stopping, never settling. Keep moving. Keep exploring. Talk to everyone. Explore the true root of who people are. You love it and they love you for it.

You need to write. You need it. Write a book, blog, write just to write. Your words have so much heart in them. Everything you say is the purest form of your feelings. You put your heart on paper and the world loves you for it. Don’t filter for anyone. A filtered you is not you.

You have this incredible ability to pursue physical limitations, or lack of physical limitations. You believe the mind and the body are so powerful there are actually no limits. You love pushing the boundaries. Pushing the boundaries makes you feel alive. When life, physically and mentally, gets really uncomfortable, remember you’re about to break through to something amazing. Don’t run from that feeling. Put your fucking head, dig your feet it and run into it. You will always come out a better human on the other side.

You look at the norms of life and think why is that the norm? does it have to be? What if there are other options? And you never strive away from that. It’s so incredible how you look at challenging the status quo as a way to grow. You grow so much and so fast because you open your arms to the world.

It’s time you stop searching for a partner. It’s time you let this partner into your life if it only makes you as a team an unstoppable force. You’ll impact millions by yourself, you’ll impact 10s of millions with the right partner.



Elliot Manson

I write what’s in my heart. My feelings come out on paper. I have no filter. I act to make the world a better place.